Governance at its full potential

Boards that lead the change require not just the right people, structure, and expertise. Generative Board is the stage whereby we mobilize the best of our assets, enriching the practices and experience of the board of directors and achieving extraordinary outcomes.

GB energizes and accelerates high-performing governance for continuous company change, creating sustainable positive value for all the stakeholders, and making respect and prestige of the board a competitive advantage.

Board Performance

  • Cohesive, energized, and engaged Board.
  • Governance becomes a peak experience of immersion, communication, decision, and purpose.
  • Accelerated board of directors’ internal and external communication.
  • DEI is a source of value creation for the Board, and the process contributes to the continuous board preparation.
  • Smoother and more efficient onboarding of new directors quickly integrated into a very engaging board culture.
  • Performance is improved by continuous feedback as a learning source.

Purpose & Change

  • Clear board goals aligned with the company’s purpose and priorities.
  • The role of the Board of directors is strengthened as transformational leaders.
  • Diversity of character strengths, thinking styles, and intuitive vs analytical processes contribute to outstanding leadership for change.
  • Difficult decisions, like M&A, are better aligned with the long-term goals, organization culture, talent promotion, and environmental and social benefits.
  • Empathy, ethics, engagement, and excellence are values constantly present in the decision-making and risk assessment processes.

CEO & Management

  • Improved connection, dialog and strategic coherence with the CEO, the management, and the organization.
  • CEO succession planning and compensation are transparently aligned with the company’s purpose and mid-long-term transformation path.

Digital Transformation

  • More effective use of digital board management tools.
  • Acceleration of digital transformation is driven from the top level.
  • AI and Analytics at the service of the Board, not the opposite.


  • ESG adoption is reinforced and better aligned with company and board purpose and priorities.
  • ESG is not only cosmetic but a contribution to the long-term positive returns for all the stakeholders.

Board prestige and recognition

  • By embracing GB Project, the Board increases its trust and reputation.
  • GB Project practices are reflected in positive future Board assessments and evaluations.
  • Trust and prestige of the Board as a substantial competitive advantage.

“Generative leadership is productive without becoming intrusive to the executive levels. In GB Project, the line between the board direction and the CEO and management execution is much better defined.”

CEO of a consultancy services company

Generative Board Business Cases

GB Projects are highly confidential. Business cases are presented using fictitious companies, but based on real practical experiences. Any similarities with actual persons or organizations are purely coincidental. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), organizations, places and products is intended or should be inferred.

ABC Real Estate

From fiduciary board to Generative Board

XYZ Pharma

Leading change to boost sustainable positive impact to the community

GHI Jewellery

Evolving Governance in a family-owned company