Future Boards

Talented directors committed to achieving real change

Vision and guidance for significant changes start in the boardroom, and directors need to be more prepared than ever, bringing expertise, commitment, energy, creativity and confidence to companies and organizations.

GB points to the future of governance, where purpose-driven leadership is emerging as the cornerstone of digitally transformed organizations and companies.

The role of the leaders is evolving in the eyes of an ever-changing society, and boards need to embrace the transformation by stepping up the governance practices themselves, creating the conditions for outstanding results.



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GB accelerates the path to agile and transformational governance aligned with bold purposes.

Companies and organizations need boards of directors to take more active leadership roles than in the past.

GB aids directors in moving governance beyond the ceremonial and pure monitoring track to the generative path.

By implementing GB, boards impulse the change aligned with the organization’s purpose, holistically sensing the reality with open eyes and minds, envisioning a sustainable future with optimism, driving performance with cohesion and focus, and safeguarding ethics and reputation.

“With the help of GB Project, we work with a clear and shared focus, guided by the company purpose and clearly identifying our board priorities. ” 

Chairman of the board of a global AI and data analytics service provider

A new generation of directors is emerging with an urgent sense of change and agility in front of contemporary economic, social, and environmental challenges.

They are directors who look for an emerging new framework of governance practices and methods, are more open-minded toward innovation, are embedded in digital culture, and identify some key elements that need to be present in the boardroom:


  • Clearly define the goals and priorities of the board of directors’ action itself.
  • Align priorities with purpose.
  • Prioritize ESG principles and transparency.
  • Embed social and environmental priorities in risk management and mitigation.
  • Protect the ethics and legality, focusing on digital transformation and AI.
  • Assume the more than needed changes from short-term to mid-long-term leadership.


  • Strongly connect the policies and strategies with the purpose.
  • Assume the transformational role of the board communication policy.
  • Support the CEO and executives towards change management.
  • Monitor social and environmental purpose-driven executive strategy and related activities.
  • Embrace responsible innovation as a source of resilient progress.
  • For PBC and B Corp, transparently align governance with legal and certification requirements.


  • Support talent and personal development of executives and employees as drivers of change.
  • Promote sustainable and balanced life.
  • Promote equality and take advantage of diversity.
  • Create the conditions for racial equity and community to thrive.
  • Adopt the director’s continuous feedback and learning as the path to board excellence.
  • Create a safe space in the boardroom where directors feel comfortable, especially in confronting situations. 


  • Be responsible and active in environmental and climate change.
  • Pay attention to the supply chain and vendors’ human rights and environmental performance.
  • Embed purpose and value creation for stakeholders, society and community in the decision-making process.
  • Promote board transparency and board reviews as a sign of good corporate governance.
  • Safeguard the organization’s reputation and promote respect and appreciation for the organization’s leaders and team.

GB Directors' Profiles

You are on the right board at the right time; GB is the opportunity to express the best of you. I work with the Chairman, Directors and CEO to create the best conditions for effective transformation governance to flourish. Let’s start this exciting venture together.