GB Project Design
Chairman and Directors, you are the artists. GB runs the production. Starting with a deep conversation, we design, plan, and execute an exciting adventure of governance brilliance.
Each GB Project is unique, an exceptional opportunity for outstanding value creation.
No two GB Projects are the same, nor are two boards, companies, or organizations.
GB Project design and planning begin as a first conversational drafting exercise with the chairman and directors that we refine as the conversation develops.
GB adapts each project to the specifics of each board: composition of the board, the structure of the committees, and roles of the president, board chair, lead director, or presiding director. GB adapts to the frequency of board meetings, annual calendars, committee charters, decision protocols, virtual, hybrid, or physical modalities of meetings, and availability of the directors.
Although each board has a history and implicit rules dictated by experience, leading the change requires opening the minds and eyes to the emerging ways of approaching the governance functions.
GB arises from a fresh vision of agile transformational leadership. Each project is a collaborative achievement of leadership excellence by designing and planning the best practices and experiential conditions that each case requires.
Starting the relationship with an in-depth conversation
Each project starts with a conversation, where we define the fundamental goals and identify transformation priorities. The primary purpose of this initial phase is to exchange information and create a sincere and even incisive conversation. We openly address background problems and challenges, company and board purpose and priorities, and formal and non-formal aspects.
Observing the board in action
During this first encounter with the board in action, I focus on meeting climate, board dynamics, and group confronting forces. The observation allows me to draw a first portrait of the board in motion, sketching the first map of character strengths and virtues that are the foundations of future project development. With all that, I start defining the project goals and outlining the first scheme of the project.
Project Design, refining and approval
I present the first design of the project, including the following key aspects:
- Goals and guidelines
- Schedule and content of the training session.
- Schedule of GB meetings, typically 2 per year
- Structure and design of the first GB meeting
- Feedback & Evaluation design
- Planning and monitoring, if needed, of supporting actions: board management digital tools, individual director coaching/development, AI & Analytics, DEI, and ESG accompanying activities, PR&Communication, and social media.
After review, the project is refined and finally approved.
GB Training
GB training sessions are more than welcomed and enjoyed by the directors. GB training session is a moment of conceptual and practical confrontation of two situations: the as-is starting situation and the to-be situation. We experience the model, tools, and dynamics of GB sharing a moment of inspiration, active participation, and the definition of the next steps. It helps to understand and open the minds to the change and present and discuss the fears, objections, and contradictions.
GB Meeting: the transformation in action
Each GB meeting is a significant milestone of the project. We deploy all the experience ingredients: physical environment, nature, inspirational art, supporting technology, emotional components, discussion dynamics tools, engaging curated data analytics, intellectually rich discussions, consensus tools, and energizing practices to foster engagement and passion. We cooperate with the CEO and executives to prepare the reporting data and documents. The GB meeting experience is opening minds and hearts towards governance transformation. And continuous feedback from the meeting helps to enhance the governance experience.
GB Inter-meeting activities
Governance is a non-stop process where the pre and post-meeting activities are merged as continuous governance. Meeting preparation activities need to be addressed with sufficient time in advance and are even part of the ending of the previous meeting. We prepare the next agenda guided not only by content but by experiential design. We generate engaging and intellectually rich documents and materials that foster discussion and action. It is a moment of sharing reflections and thoughts. Inter-meeting time is good for penetrating questioning, sensing the organization’s environment, and sharing new ideas to enrich the next meeting experience.
GB Virtual meetings
If physical meetings are milestones of the GB Project, virtual meetings clearly benefit from the GB methods and practices. Directors are better prepared to enrich the virtual encounters by working with the same principles of immersion, connection, decision, and purpose.
Learning by continuous feedback
Best experienced directors share a common conviction: good governance is a priceless continuous learning process. In GB, learning is the natural result of experiential flow and full involvement that constant feedback provides. GB facilitates an authentic learning experience: with clear goals, all the attention focused on the subject, and continuous feedback on our achievements that motivates us to continue and give our best.
Strictest Confidentiality
Every GB Project is held in the strictest confidentiality: respect of company codes of conduct, confidentiality policies, non-public company information confidentiality, and board room discussions and material board information complete confidentiality.
GB Training
We experience the model, the tools, the dynamics of GB. The training sessions are unique moments of inspirational learning and practice.