GB Business cases
How companies and organizations put in practice and benefit from Generative BoardI work with companies and organizations that, managed by strongly committed executive leaders, follow the transformation path to support the main reason a company exists: to advance to the purpose by generating positive value for the customers, the stakeholders and the community.
Such companies aspire to be a place for the employees to thrive, seeing the shareholder profits as the result of long-term commitment, contributing to environmental sustainability and the community’s advance.
I help you lead into the future with fresh eyes, energy, honesty and courage to face disruptive changes in challenging yet exciting times.
GB is not just about talent. I help create the conditions and experiential practices in each project to get the most out of it.
The Board of Directors is becoming the central point where the organization’s transformation begins. I am committed to helping the board take on the challenging new roles that organizations, society, and the community expect from governance.
Together, the board will fill the leadership and guiding role that digital transformation, sustainability, and societal changes demand.
In addition, we will promote the positive image of the board of directors, earning respect, admiration, and the appreciation it deserves.
- “Sense” and “see” with new eyes the emerging future.
- Explore new ways of connecting to reality in the digital transformation disruption context.
- Support multifaceted continuous learning of directors and leaders.
- Generate a fruitful and well-aligned connection between the board, the executives, and the company.
Enrich the link to the stakeholders and the community.
Shape a positive organisation culture nurturing sustainability and resilience.
Develop better governance processes, more efficient, and more purpose-driven.
Genuinely, embrace diversity and inclusive thinking as drivers of renewing thinking styles and creativity.
Guide the practice by the continuous feedback loop of board direction, performance, and alignment.
- Bring the board to the highest level of purpose-driven governance performance.
- Strongly connect the strategy with the purpose.
- Promote prestige and respect for the organization, board, directors, and executive teams.
GB Business Cases
GB introduces concrete transformative elements into board activities, where all board members contribute to their full potential, and results are effectively transferred to the organization.